Friday, October 16, 2009

Halloween Bash! Concert @ Mac's Tavern

If you are looking for something to do on Halloween, or hell if you already have something to do cancel it cuz this will be awesome!
Bill West & The Truth are headlining a concert at Mac's Tavern in Cary, included in the show are a few great local bands, Joe Lies , Love Colt and myself. Come out all dressed up for the Costume Contest, or just come out for a good time, support some local artists and enjoy some original music!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Album Release Update

The release of my first album is in its final stages. The cover was recently completed, it is simple, inspired by my Grandfather and the campfires which I sat around growing up, listening to his stories and lessons. The image is a rendering of an actual photo of one of these very fires. The tracks on the album have a variety of themes but all of them reflect experiences and ideas that have helped to create the foundation of what myself and my music are today. I hope that those who listen are able to relate to something in it on a personal and meaningful level, and perhaps are even able to look at something from a different perspective. I believe, and I think part of this comes from my Grandfather, that when you have the attention of even a few, and you don't bother to say something worth saying, you waste a valuable opportunity. To my memory my Grandfather never missed such an opportunity, and in his honor I hope this album is something worth listening to.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Earthy Sound

Dear Ignorant Coffee Houses, Bars, and Aspiring Music Venues,

I would like to thank you all for your incredibly generous attitude towards performing musicians. I can't tell you how awesome it is to be offered an opportunity to play for your customers for no pay! Whats that you say? It will be great exposure? Wow even better, what a deal I am getting! Hey have you heard of this thing called the internet? It's pretty good for exposure too, I have been using that. But now that I know I can bust my ass for free so that you can provide entertainment for your customers, I am throwing this whole internet thing out the window! In fact, I will do you one better. Why don't you give me all the free coffee and beer I want and I will tell all of my friends about you! Hey won't that be great exposure?! What? You don't want to do that? Oh. Then stop expecting to get quality live music without paying for it! We don't need your "exposure." If you want to give a teenage kid some live experience fine. But have a little respect for the work that it requires to provide you good live music. We are not in this for the money, trust me. But we are not in it to be taken advantage of either. Stop acting like a charity case.

Thursday, May 28, 2009